
In our days, economic and social processes are accompanied by rapid technological developments. Globalisation, the fourth industrial revolution, online space and media are transforming and challenging the traditional frames of education and the concept of applicable knowledge.

Education systems and higher education (HE) in particular are oriented towards the future since they are supposed to deliver the knowledge that is necessary for students for their future. Economic, social and technological transformations are influencing the labour market and employability, furthermore, the changes are shaping ideas, innovations, processes of organisational developments, and the solutions to social problems. Accordingly, higher education is supposed to be adapting to the labour market, social and economic changes. Moreover, it is to be a guiding influence to these processes.

What can higher education do in times when changes occur rapidly in various spheres of life? How do the changes affect higher education? What is the role and social responsibility of higher education? How can HE react to the changes or ideally, be active shaper of the changes? How can sustainable knowledge and training in higher education be achieved? What are the conditions to be considered when establishing sustainable higher education institutions?

We believe that the challenges and opportunities concerning the future of HE will be a matter of interest for the academic community, economy, businesses, higher education institutions (HEIs) stakeholders, future students and the whole society.

Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB), being the sixth largest HEI in Hungary and the most influential university for applied business studies, is working in strong cooperation with the private sector. Its educational profile is developed based on the inputs by business stakeholders and the BBU is trying to conduct such applied research whose outputs can be channelled into the operation of the private sector and can result in a more beneficial cooperation between the labour market and the HEIs.

The mission of our research centre, the Future of Higher Education Research Centre is to help answer the abovementioned questions by being a knowledge hub and carrying out high-level academic research. One goal of FHERC is to coordinate research activities within the university, distribute the findings of the research and actively participate in new domestic and international research projects.