About us

What we do

The Future of Higher Education Research Centre (FHERC) as a high-level research and knowledge sharing centre at Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB) is commited to discover the challenges and opportunities related to the future of higher education (HE) and deliver this knowledge to the academic community, the economic and business sector, all higher education actors, future students and to the whole society.

With this broad involvement of stakeholders in cooperation with domestic and international partners our research projects conducted with innovative methodologies may have a positive impact on the cooperations between higher education institutions (HEI) and the labor market.

We are proud of engaging our students and colleagues to explore the problems of the HE sector and to raise questions, and deliver answers and recommendations together. Our Research Centre is in line with the reorganised scientific and research activities of BUEB and further fosters the university’s sustanability and enterprise friendly strategy.

The director of FHERC is Zsuzsanna Géring (PhD) and the scientific director is Gábor Király (PhD).  Our team (see below) is working on exploring the future of HE, its challenges and opportunities. Researchers, professors and students are also involved in our work. 

Our team

Zsuzsanna Géring, PhD – director

Zsuzsanna Géring is an economist-sociologist, senior research fellow at the Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB).  She gained her received her Master’s degree in 2002, and her PhD in 2015. Her PhD dissertation is on discursive strategies that Hungarian companies use to define and justify their social role and responsibility. Her main research relates to CSR, organizational communication, the future of business higher education and roles and responsibilities of higher education institutions and ethical codes of conduct of leading international business schools. She was leading the Higher Education Research Group at BUEB between 2015 and 2017. She is an expert in mixed methods research designs with a special interest in textual analysis such as content and discourse analysis. She is a board member of ISA RC07 Futures Research Committee.

Further information here

Top 3 publications: 

  • Géring Z. – Tamássy R. – Király G. – Rakovics M. (2022) The portrayal of the future as legitimacy construction. Discursive strategies in highly ranked business schools’ external communication. Higher Education,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-022-00865-1
  • Tamássy Réka, Géring Zsuzsanna (2022). Rich variety of DA approaches applied in social media research: A systematic scoping review.  Discourse & Communication, 16(1), pp. 93-109. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17504813211043722
  • Géring Zsuzsanna (2021) Mixed Methodological Discourse Analysis. In: Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Johnson, R. B. (Eds.) The Routledge Reviewer’s Guide to Mixed Methods Analysis. Routledge. pp. 161-170.

Full list of publications here 

Gábor Király, PhD – scientific director

Gábor Király is a sociologist, professor and currently the dean of BUEB Faculty of Finance and Accountancy. He received his Master’s degree in sociology at Eötvös Loránd University and at Maastricht University (Netherlands). He is a member of the Sociological Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Internationally, he worked as an external expert for the European Commission’s research unit (JRC), he is currently an honorary associate professor at the University of Nottingham’s School of Education, and an external assessor for the Irish Research Commission. His research areas include the future of higher education and the application of participatory processes (currently mainly action learning) in educational contexts.  

Further information here 

Top 3 publications 

  • Király, G. – Köves, A. (2023) Facing finitude: Death-awareness and sustainable transitions. Ecological Economics, 205 (107729). 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107729
  • Király, G. – Géring, Zs. – Tamássy, R. (2023) Future and agency frames: how business schools construct the term future and what they claim to do about it? Journal of Futures Studies
  • Király, G. – Kováts, G. (2022) A tudomány tömegesedésének hatásai a felsőoktatás működésére. Educatio 31 (2), pp. 169–185. DOI: 10.1556/2063.31.2022.2.1

Full list of publications here

Réka Asztalos, PhD – college associate professor

Réka Asztalos is college associate professor at the Department of Languages for Business Communication, BUEB, FCHT. After her studies in English and German at the ELTE BTK, she obtained her PhD degree in 2016 at the ELTE PPK Doctoral School of Education, Doctoral Programme in English Language Pedagogy. Her dissertation is entitled The Pedagogical Purposes of the Use of Virtual Learning Environments and Web 2.0 Tools in Tertiary Language Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment. She has been teaching at BUEB since 2009 and has been the Department’s Coordinator for Educational Affairs since 2014. Her interests focus on methodological issues in professional language teaching, autonomous learning and skills development.

Further information here.

Top 3 publications:

  • Szénich, A. & Asztalos, R. (2022). Az autonóm nyelvtanulás támogatásának eszközei a CORALL-projekt keretein belül. Modern Nyelvoktatás, 28(3-4), pp. 110-121. https://doi.org/10.51139/monye.2022.3-4.110.121  
  • Asztalos, R., Bánhegyi, M., Fajt, B., Pál, Á. & Szénich, A. (2021). Hallgatói visszajelzések a kényszertávoktatásra való átállásról és a digitális módszertani megújulásról az egyetemi szaknyelvoktatásban: egy kérdőíves felmérés tanulságai. Iskolakultúra, 31(6), pp. 84-100.
  • Asztalos, R.,  Szénich, A. & Csizér, K. (2020). Foreign language teaching and autonomous language learning: an overview and innovative practices in Hungary. In: Ludwig, Ch., Tassinari, G. & Mynard, J. (szerk.) Navigating foreign language learner autonomy. Hong Kong, Kína: Candlin & Mynard ePublishing. pp. 280-297.

Full publication list here.

Sára Csillag, PhD  senior researcher

Sára Csillag is the vice rector for Academic Development at Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB). She is a senior lecturer. She received her Master’s degree and PhD at Corvinus University of Budapest. Her doctoral dissertation ‘Human resource management as a moral maze’ was granted the European Doctoral Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) third prize. Her main research interests include ethical human resource management, business ethics, responsible management, action research, and disability issues in the workplace.  

Further information here 

Top 3 publications 

  • Csillag S. – Király G. – Rakovics M. – Géring Zs. (2022) Agents for sustainable futures? The (unfulfilled) promise of sustainability at leading business schools. Futures, 144(103044) 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2022.103044
  • Csillag Sára, Győri Zsuzsanna, Hidegh Anna Laura, Svastics Carmen (2022)
    Follow your dreams? Push and pull motivations of entrepreneurs with disabilities in Hungary In: Yousafzai, Shumaila; Ng, Wilson; Sheikh, Shandana; Coogan, Thomas (szerk.) Research Handbook on Disability and Entrepreneurship
    Cheltenham, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (2022) 358 p. pp. 2-19. 
  • Csillag Sára, Svastics Carmen, Győri Zsuzsanna, Hidegh, Anna Laura (2022)
    Fighting shadows? The concept and emergence of ableism in society and at the workplace. VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY 53 : 11 pp. 16-28.

Full list of publications here

Ildikó Dén-Nagy, PhD – senior researcher

Ildikó Dén-Nagy, economist-sociologist, research fellow at Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB). She graduated in 2004 and earned her Ph.D. in 2018 from the Doctoral School of Sociology at Corvinus University of Budapest. Her research interests have been science and technology studies, with a special focus on the social impact of ICTs. In her Ph.D. thesis, she examined the relationship between mobile technologies and work-life balance. She is a research fellow at the Department of Management (BUEB), and a member of the Future of Higher Education Research Centre, where she is engaged in organizational and educational development studies. She is the Secretary of the Hungarian Sociological Association’s Section of Information Society and a full member of the World Futures Studies Federation.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

Full list of publications here

Katalin Fehér, PhD – senior research fellow

Katalin Feher Ph.D. with habilitation is a researcher in transformative technologies and an expert on AI media. She is an associate professor at the University of Public Service Department for Science Strategy, a Fulbright alumna, vice-president of ECREA Mediatization, a member of the University of Southern California MASTS and the editorial board of KOME. She is member of Drexel University Dissertation Committee, visiting professor at the Masaryk University and Kadir Has University. She has gained her international experience in the U.S., South-East Asia, the UK, the Nordic countries and the Far East.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

  • Feher K, Veres Z (2023) Trends, risks and potential cooperations in the AI development market: expectations of the Hungarian investors and developers in an international context. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 42(1/2): 107-125. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSSP-08-2021-0205
  • Feher, K., & Katona, A. I. (2021). Fifteen shadows of socio-cultural AI: A systematic review and future perspectives. Futures, 132, 102817. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2021.102817
  • Feher, Katalin. “Digital identity and the online self: Footprint strategies–An exploratory and comparative research study.” Journal of Information Science 47, no. 2 (2021): 192-205.

Full list of publications here

Imre Fekete, PhD – senior lecturer

Imre Fekete is a lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy (FCHT, Budapest University of Economics and Business), where he mainly teaches courses related to digital literacy and digital competence development. Previously, he worked in teacher education, where he also taught digitally-focused courses, and is now involved in the world of EFL teacher education as a contract lecturer. He received his PhD in 2022 from the Doctoral Programme in Language Pedagogy at Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary), and his thesis was entitled Dimensions of information and communications technology (ICT) use: A mixed-methods study of Hungarian English majors and university EFL teachers. His research focuses on digital literacy, artificial intelligence, educational technology and teacher professional self-)development.

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Top 3 publications:

  • Fekete, I. (2023). Technology in English teaching: The Hungarian university context. Akadémiai Kiadó. https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706
  • Csizér, K., Fekete, I., Albert, Á., & Szabó, F. (2023). Kitartás és érdeklődés a nyelvtanulásban: A GRIT jelenség vizsgálata Magyarországon angol szakos egyetemisták körében [Perseverance and interest in language learning: Investigating GRIT in Hungary among English major university students]. Magyar Pedagógia, 123(1), 3–17. https://doi.org/10.14232/mped.2023.1.3
  • Fekete, I. (2022). Profiling Hungarian K12 teachers based on their techno-pedagogical skills: State of affairs and development possibilities amid COVID-19. Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation, 5(2), 111–124. https://doi.org/10.1556%2F2059.2022.00056

Full list of publications here

Márta Folmeg, PhD – educational developer

Márta Folmeg is an instructor and educational developer at the Faculty of International Management and Business at Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB). She earned her linguistic and political science degrees at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), then pursued studies in business and management. She obtained her PhD from Eötvös Loránd University in 2017 and has been involved in higher education since 2010. Her research focuses on methodological aspects of higher education, innovative teaching methods in management courses, and competency and skill development.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

  • Folmeg Márta (2022). The Linguistic Approach of the Policy Platform: Lesson from a Hungarian Communication Research. Central European Political Science Review. 23 (88) 77–95.
  • Tóth Katalin, Folmeg Márta, Sebestyén Lilla, Fűzi Beatrix (2023). Ki mit visz át a túlsó partra? Oktatók alkalmazkodásának vizsgálata egy felsőoktatási intézmény példáján keresztül. Iskolakultúra: pedagógusok szakmai-tudományos folyóirata. 33 (3) 16–34.
  • Folmeg Márta (2020). A társadalmi munkamegosztás organikus fejlődése és sztereotípiákra épülő torzulása. POLYMATHEIA Művelődés- és neveléstörténeti folyóirat. 17 (3-4) 22–39.

Full list of publications here

Zsuzsanna Zsófia Frányó – junior researcher

Zsuzsanna Zsófia Frányó, teacher of economics, employee of the Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB). She had taken her economics degree in 2003 at the Budapest Business University, and her teacher of economics degree in 2007 at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Between 2003-2019 she worked in secondary and adult education, and since 2020 she is a full-time lecturer at the Accounting Department of BUEB Faculty of Finance and Accountancy. Besides she studies at the Doctoral School of Education of Eötvös Loránd University’s Faculty of Education and Psychology, her interests are focused on quality learning/teaching and teacher adaptivity, in which subjects she mainly works on qualitative and mixed methodology research.

Top publications:

  • Frányó, Zs. (2022). Az adaptív-elfogadó iskola koncepciójának alapját képező értékdimenziók megjelenése a felsőoktatási térben. Neveléstudomány1, 83–101. https://doi.org/10.21549/NTNY.36.2022.1.4

Full list of publications here

Beatrix Fűzi, PhD – senior researcher

Beatrix Fűzi is an engineer, teacher and a researcher at the Budapest University of Economics and Business. Her doctoral dissertation deals with the measuring and improving of the quality of teachers’ work. She gained her doctoral degree in 2012 at the Eötvös Loránd University. She taught pedagogical courses in teacher education and practice of mentoring teachers in post gradual teacher trainings between 2004-2018. She practices and improves a special method for mentoring teachers for ten years and she studies its effects on teachers’ work and on students’ performance. She joined to the research team of methods in higher education in 2017. In the centre of her professional interest are the methodological challenges of the higher education and the application of mentoring on different fields.

Further information  here

Top 3 publications 

  • Fűzi B. – Géring Z. – Szendrei-Pál E. (2022) Changing expectations related to digitalisation and socialisation in higher education. Horizon scanning of pre- and post-COVID-19 discourses. Educational Review, 74(3), 484-516.
  • Fűzi Beatrix, Suplicz Sándor (2016) The Indicators of the Quality and Changes of Teachers’ Work. UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 4:8, pp. 1815-1827.  https://10.13189/ujer.2016.040811
  • Fűzi Beatrix (2016) Pedagógusok tudása és gondolkodása. Budapest, Magyarország: Typotop Kft. ISBN: 9786158049498

Full list of publications here

Rita Hordósy, PhD – Senior Researcher / Nottingham Research Fellow

Sociologist Rita Hordósy has been a researcher at the University of Nottingham since 2019, exploring the relationship between research and teaching through comparing this between Hungarian, English and Norwegian sociology departments. She obtained her sociology MA at the Eötvös Loránd University in 2009, then worked at the  Hungarian Institute for Educational Research & Development as a research assistant in several projects dealing with vocational education and training. Between 2010 and 2013, she pursued her doctoral research at the University of Birmingham, comparing national information systems that collected data on school leavers’ and graduates’ journeys. As a researcher at the University of Sheffield between 2013 and 2018, she led a longitudinal project following a group of students through their diverse and changing university journey. Between 2018 and 2019, she worked as a lecturer at the University of Manchester. She is also a board member of one of the research networks of the Society for Research into Higher Education and an editorial board member of the Educational Review.

Further information: here.

Top 3 publications: 

Full list of publications  here

Eszter Pál Knúlné (previously Eszter Szendrei-Pál) – junior researcher

Eszter Pál Knúlné is an economist, PhD Candidate at Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business, Budapest University of Economics and Business. Her doctoral research is about the skills of entrepreneurs and the possibilities of teaching them during university programs. She joined FHERC in 2019. She participates in Horizon Scanning, corpus-based content analysis, and universities’ mission and vision texts analysis projects.

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TOP 3 publications:

  • Fűzi Beatrix, Géring Zsuzsanna, Szendrei-Pál Eszter (2022). Changing expectations related to digitalisation and socialisation in higher education. Horizon scanning of pre- and post-COVID-19 discourses. Educational Review, 74(3), pp. 484-516. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2021.2023101
  • Szendrei-Pál Eszter (2023). A vállalkozói készségek hatása a gazdasági és társadalmi fejlődésre. Vezetéstudomány, 54(7-8). pp. 2-12. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2023.07-08.01
  • Géring Zsuzsanna, Király Gábor, Miskolczi Péter, Szendrei-Pál Eszter, Tamássy Réka (2023). Kapcsolódások és ellentétek a felsőoktatási jövőképekkel kapcsolatos oktatói és hallgatói véleményekben. Educatio, 32(4) pp. 612-626. https://doi.org/10.1556/2063.32.2023.4.5

Full list of publications here

Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei, PhD – senior researcher

Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei, economist, Associate Professor at the Budapest University of Economics and Business. She earned her PhD in 2015, in Economics (main subject Economic Psychology) at the Doctoral School of Economics, University of Szeged, Hungary. Since 2002, she had held a senior lecturer, later an associate professor position at the Keleti Faculty of Business and Management at Obuda University in Hungary; between 2020 and 2021, she worked at the University of Melbourne, as a visiting lecturer. In the autumn semester of 2021, she returned to Budapest, where she has begun to work as an associate professor at the Budapest Business Universtiy. She won the Hungarian Government’s National Excellence Award for Young Researchers both in 2017 and 2018.  Due to her professional methodological knowledge, she is an active member of several research groups, including the Lockdown Generation research in collaboration with FHERC. Her research fields mainly focus on the interdisciplinary area of economics and psychology. 

 Further information here 

Top 3 publications: 

  • Kolnhofer-Derecskei Anita, Csongrádi Gyöngyi (2022). How do the framing effects, environmental factors and personal risk perceptions influence our decision about a hypothetical COVID-19 pill? Journal of Decision Systems. 31(1). pp. 131-152. DOI: 10.1080/12460125.2022.2085854 
  • Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita. (2020). How Much Might a Beer Cost in a Fancy Resort? A Possible Replication of Thaler’s Well-Known Experiment. In: Sroka, W. (eds) Perspectives on Consumer Behaviour. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47380-8_11 
  • Kolnhofer Derecskei Anita, Nagy Viktor (2020) Employee Volunteerism—Conceptual Study and the Current Situation. Sustainability. 2020; 12(20):8378. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12208378 

Research related top publication: 

  • Kolnhofer-Derecskei Anita, Reicher Regina Zsuzsánna, Szeghegyi Ágnes (2017). The X and Y generations’ characteristics comparison. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. 14(8). Pp. 107-125.  

Full list of publications here

Viktória Koltányiné Vadász – trainer, external partner

Teacher and economist, instructor of practice at the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the Budapest University of Economics and Business until 2023. She obtained her teacher’s degree in Hungarian and German language in 1996 and a degree in economics in 2001. Together with her colleagues, she introduced project-based language teaching at the faculty, for which they received the European Language Award in 2020. Most of her publications were written on this topic. For 12 years, she was the educational consultant of the Confederation of Hungarian Industry, and between 2014 and 2017 she was the coordinator of a joint project of BUEB and UNHCR. From 2020, she also works as a freelance business coach and competence development trainer. She does volunteer work at the HiSchool Foundation, where she is a member of the board.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

  • Török, Judit; Kétyi, András ; Hukné, Kiss Szilvia ; Koltányiné, Vadász Viktória ; Ugrai, Zsuzsanna ; Kósik, Ferenc (2019) Projektalapú nyelvoktatás egyetemi hallgatók körében. EDUCATIO 28 : 2 pp. 392-402.
  • Koltányiné, Vadász Viktória (2019) A hallgatói motiváció változásai a projektalapú szaknyelvoktatás bevezetésének hatására. In: Koltai, László (eds.) Hazai és külföldi modellek a projektoktatásban, Bp, Hungary : Óbudai Egyetem Rejtő Sándor Könnyűipari és Környezetmérnöki Kar, pp. 143-154.
  • Hukné, Kiss Szilvia; Koltányiné, Vadász Viktória (2020) Projektekkel a munka világa felé: projektmódszer bevezetése a német üzleti idegen nyelv oktatásában. In: Ludányi, Zsófia; Jánk, István; Domonkosi, Ágnes (eds.) A nyelv perspektívája az oktatásban. Válogatás a PeLiKon2018 oktatásnyelvészeti konferencia előadásaiból, Eger, Hungary : Eszterházy Károly Egyetem Líceum Kiadó, pp. 443-457.

Full list of publications here

Titanilla Oravecz, PhD – associate professor

She began her higher education in 2007 at the Budapest College of Economics, and obtained her first degree in 2010 in tourism-hospitality, specializing in catering and hotels. After obtaining her college degree, she decided to continue her education and obtained her second degree at the university’s Faculty of Commerce, Catering and Tourism. In 2012, she graduated as a certified economist, majoring in tourism management. After that, she continued her studies as a full-time PhD student at the Doctoral School of Economics and Organizational Sciences of Szent István University. During the training, in addition to her studies and research, she led exercises and performed consultancy tasks. She completed her doctoral studies in August 2016 and currently teaches market research, marketing and consumer behavior as an associate professor at the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the Budapest University of Economics and Business, Department of Marketing. Her main goal is to teach students to practice-centered and systemic thinking. In addition to entrepreneurship research, her defining research area is consumer and customer behavior trends, as well as creativity research.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

  • Mucha L. – Oravecz T – Horská E. – Illés C.B. (2024) Beekeepers’ resilience as a key to ecosystem sustainability, empirical evidence from Hungary. Internatıonal Food And Agrıbusıness Management Revıew https://doi.org/10.22434/ifamr2022.0143
  • Illés BC. – Oravecz T. – Žufan P.- Šedík P. – Mucha L. (2021) Honey production competitiveness between the Visegrad countries analysis based on the relative comparative advantages indices. Economic Annals-XXI, 189. https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V189-06
  • Oravecz T. – Mucha L. – Magda R. – Totth G. – Illés C.B. (2020) Consumers’ Preferences for Locally Produced Honey in Hungary. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 68(2). https://doi.org/10.11118/actaun202068020407

Full list of publications here

Ágnes Pál, PhD – associate professor, faculty international leader

Ágnes Pál is a lecturer at the Department of Languages for Business Communication, BUEB, FCHT. After her studies in Spanish and French at the ELTE BTK, she received her PhD degree from the University of Szeged in 2005. She has been teaching at FCHT since 2009 and has been involved in the development and implementation of international projects since 2012. Her interests focus on methodological issues in professional language teaching, innovative good practices in business education, internationalisation and skills development.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

  • Pál, Á. & Koris, R. (2021). LSP Teacher Perspectives on Alternative Assessment Practices at European Universities Amid the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond. In: Chen, Julian (szerk.), Emergency Remote Teaching and Beyond (pp. 535-555). Cham: Springer-Verlag.  
  • Koris, R., & Pál, Á. (2021). Fostering learners’ involvement in the assessment process during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives of university language and communication teachers across the globe. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 18(5). https://doi.org/10.53761/ 
  • Kóris, R., & Pál, Á. (2022). A hallgatói munka értékelésének újragondolása a hazai felsőoktatásban tanító szaknyelvoktatók körében végzett kérdőíves felmérés tükrében. Modern Nyelvoktatás, 28(1–2), 63–76. https://doi.org/10.51139/monye.2022.1-2.63.76   

Full list of publications here

 Réka Plugor, PhD – senior researcher

Reka Plugor is a sociologist from Transylvania currently working as an Associate Professor at the University of Leicester, UK. Reka has a BA and an MA in Sociology from Babeş-Bolyai University and an MA in Public Policy from the Central European University. She completed her PhD studies in 2015 in Labour Market Research at the University of Leicester. Reka’s research interests are related to policy and organisational change and how they shape and are shaped by individual lives and career paths. She conducted empirical research on topics around youth, education, healthcare and work in Romania, Hungary and the United Kingdom exploring people’s experiences using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. Her current areas of interest are: 1. the experiences of people in multiple status positions (MSP); 2. transitions into and out of work; 3. employee experience and employee experience management.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

Full list of publications here

Márton Rakovics  junior researcher

Márton Rakovics, sociologist, survey-statistician, assistant lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, PhD student at Doctoral School of Sociology, Corvinus University Budapest. His doctoral research is about dynamic simulation modelling of social networks. He is currently focusing on the possible applications of machine learning and data mining methods in sociology, and biomarker analysis for blood doping detection in endurance sports.

Further information here

Full list of publications here

Regina Zsuzsánna Reicher, PhD – senior researcher 

Regina Reicher, Teacher of Computer Science and Mathematics, PhD in Economics and Management, Organisational Development Consultant, Associate Professor at BUEB. She graduated from the University of Veszprém in 2002. In 2014, he defended his doctoral thesis at the Doctoral School of Business and Organization Sciences of Szent István University, “Problems of selecting, implementing and operating CRM systems”. In 2017, he became a founding member of the BrainBay Research Centre, focusing on generational issues, Y and Z generation employment, job search behaviour, engagement and CSR activities that influence jobs. In addition, he is a member of several research groups and an active participant in doctoral studies at the University of Óbuda, Széchenyi University and the Budapest University of Economics and Business. 

Research related top publication: 

  • Kolnhofer-Derecskei Anita, Reicher Regina Zsuzsánna, Szeghegyi Ágnes (2017). The X and Y generations’ characteristics comparison. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. 14(8). Pp. 107-125.  

Top 3 publications:  

  • Andrea, Tick ; Gyöngyi, Szabó ; Regina Zsuzsánna, Reicher (2021) Contribution of a CRM System to the Creation of a Family-Friendly Working Environment ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA 18 : 11 pp. 75-96. , 22 p.  
  • Anita, Kolnhofer-Derecskei ; Regina, Zsuzsánna Reicher ; Ágnes, Szeghegyi (2019) Transport habits and preferences by generations – does it matter regarding the state of the art? ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA 16 : 1 pp. 29-44. , 16 p.  
  • Reicher, Regina Zsuzsanna (2019) Opportunities for small and medium sized enterprises in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility EKONOMICKO-MANAZERSKE SPEKTRUM / ECONOMIC AND MANAGERIAL SPECTRUM 13 : 1 pp. 26-37. , 12 p. 

Full list of publications here  

Karina Ágnes Szászvári, PhD – senior researcher  

Karina Ágnes Szászvári, psychologist, work and organisational psychologist, associate professor at the Budapest Business University (BBU). She graduated as a psychologist from the University of Pécs (UP) in 1997, and in 2001 she qualified as a psychologist specialising in work- and organisational psychology. She obtained her doctorate at the Doctoral School of Applied Psychology of UP, her research topic was stereotypes related to ageing employees. He has worked as a development professional in both government and business. She started her academic career in 2007, her research interest focuses on organisational psychology, and in recent years she has been studying HR in small and medium-sized enterprises. 

Further information here 

Top 3 publications: 

  • Csizmadia Péter, Csillag Sára, Szászvári Karina Ágnes, Bácsi Katalin (2022). To learn and let learn? Characteristics of the learning environment in knowledge-intensive medium-sized enterprises. JOURNAL OF WORKPLACE LEARNING 34 : 7 pp. 661-674. , 14 p. 
  • Chandler Nick, Heidrich Balázs, Szászvári Karina, Kása Richárd (2021). Reframing market-orientation: A comparative study of the market orientation concept in the subcultures of university employees. SOCIETY AND ECONOMY 2021 : június pp. 1-18. , 18 p.  
  • Csillag Sára, Csizmadia Péter, Hidegh Anna Laura, Szászvári Karina (2019). What makes small beautiful? Learning and development in small firms. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL 22 : 5 pp. 453-476. , 24 p. 

Full list of publications here

Alexandra Szénich, PhD – college associate professor

Alexandra Szénich is a lecturer at the Department of Languages for Business Communication at the Budapest University of Economics and Business. She delivers courses on Business German, German for Tourism and Research Methods. Her research interests include language testing and autonomous language  learning. She is a regular conference presenter, and an author of academic publications on these topics. Recently she has participated in two research projects and in an Erasmus+ KA2 international project (CORALL) on the topic of autonomous language learning.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

  • Szénich, A. & Asztalos, R. (2022). Az autonóm nyelvtanulás támogatásának eszközei a CORALL-projekt keretein belül. Modern Nyelvoktatás, 28(3-4), pp. 110-121. https://doi.org/10.51139/monye.2022.3-4.110.121  
  • Asztalos, R., Bánhegyi, M., Fajt, B., Pál, Á. & Szénich, A. (2021). Hallgatói visszajelzések a kényszertávoktatásra való átállásról és a digitális módszertani megújulásról az egyetemi szaknyelvoktatásban: egy kérdőíves felmérés tanulságai. Iskolakultúra, 31(6), pp. 84-100.
  • Asztalos, R.,  Szénich, A. & Csizér, K. (2020). Foreign language teaching and autonomous language learning: an overview and innovative practices in Hungary. In: Ludwig, Ch., Tassinari, G. & Mynard, J. (szerk.) Navigating foreign language learner autonomy. Hong Kong, Kína: Candlin & Mynard ePublishing. pp. 280-297.

Full list of publications here

Boglárka Szijártó, PhD – senior researcher

Boglárka Szijártó graduated in 2011 as an economist from the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB), majoring in finance and accounting. She obtained his chartered accountant qualification in the same year. In 2013, she also obtained a master’s degree in accounting and auditing at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of BBU. In 2021, she obtained her PhD degree at the Doctoral School of Economics and Regional Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Her research areas: the present and future of accounting education, the self-cost calculation of higher education and the examination of factors influencing tuition fees. In addition to teaching, between 2011 and 2013 she performed accounting assistant duties at the Budapest Operett Theater. Since 2011, she has been a lecturer at the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of BUEB, and she is currently an associate professor. In addition to teaching faculty students, she also participates in the training of business accountants. In addition to her teaching activities, she also performs tasks related to the mentoring activities of the master’s degree in accounting.

Top 3 publications:

  • Tóth Róbert, Karabassov Rassul, Sisa Krisztina, Szijártó Boglárka (2020): The effects of education and qualified workforce on improving corporate competitiveness, ECONOMICS & WORKING CAPITAL 3-4: Special Issue pp. 42-52.
  • Tóth Róbert, Szük Krisztina, Sisa, Krisztina, Szijártó Boglárka (2019): Az oktatás és szakképzés szerepe a vállalati (és nemzetgazdasági) versenyképesség növelésében, POLGÁRI SZEMLE: GAZDASÁGI ÉS TÁRSADALMI FOLYÓIRAT15: 4-6  36-55.
  • Sisa Krisztina, Szijártó, Boglárka, Túróczi, Imre (2018): Az állami felsőoktatási intézmények önköltségszámításának jelenlegi vonásai a teljesítményelvű felsőoktatás fejlesztésének irányvonalai tükrében, CONTROLLER INFO 6 : 4 pp. 36-40.

Full list of publications here

Réka Tamássy – junior researcher

Réka Tamássy is a PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Sociology and Communication Science, Corvinus University of Budapest, and a junior research fellow at FHERC. In her doctoral research, she focuses on the discursive construction of Roma and sexual minorities in Hungarian online political communication. Her research interests include the (media) representation and discursive construction of minorities and qualitative text analysis methods, specifically discourse analysis and mixed methodological text analysis.

Further information here

Top 3 publications:

  • Tamássy Réka, Géring Zsuzsanna (2022) Rich variety of DA approaches applied in social media research: A systematic scoping review. Discourse & Communication, 16(1) 93-109. https://doi.org/10.1177/17504813211043722
  • Tamássy RékaGéring ZsuzsannaKirály Gábor, Plugor Réka, Rakovics Márton (2024) The portrayal of the role and agency of students and higher education institutions in highly ranked business school discourses. Journal of International Education in Business 17(1), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIEB-09-2022-0064
  • Tamássy Réka (2019) A comparison of Pride Parade’s media representation in Hungary and Ireland. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 10(2), 71-94. DOI: 10.14267/CJSSP.2019.2.4

Full list of publications here

Tünde Tóth-Téglás – senior researcher

Tünde Tóth-Téglás, economist, assistant professor at the Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management of the Faculty of Education and Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University. In 2021, she obtained her doctorate at the Doctoral School of Economics of the University of Szeged, majoring in Economic Psychology. She prepared her doctoral dissertation on the examination of corporate competence expectations from a management perspective. She is the leader of the Strategic Competence Management research group and a member of the Lockdown Generation research group conducted within the framework of the FHERC. Her areas of interest are human resource management, organizational communication, workplace training and knowledge management.

Top 3 publications:

Full list of publications here

Nicholas Chandler, PhD – previous member

Nick Chandler is an Associate Professor of the Institute of Management and Human Resources at the Budapest University of Economics and Business, where he has worked since 1997. He received a PhD in Management from the University of Pannonia. He has lectured a range of courses, such as Strategic Management, Business Economics and Human Resource Management, and is guest lecturer at the University of Lille, France. His research interests comprise the complexity of organisational cultures, family businesses and the culture of cheating. He is currently involved in three research projects involving organisational culture, ethics in higher education and the culture of family businesses. He is a reviewer for several journals such as Personnel Review and Evidence-based HRM and for conferences such as the British Academy of Management and EURAM. He is also a Research Fellow of the Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES) and, most recently, was a track chair for the EURAM 2017 conference. 

Further information here

Full list of publications here

Partnerships and memberships:

GEMS – Global Essay Mills Survey

MMIRA – Mixed Methods International Research Association

Center for International Higher Education Studies (CEHEC)

RC07 Futures Research – International Sociological Association

Europan Universities – Critical Futures (CHEF network)