BBS researchers presenting at 2nd Danube Conference for Higher Education Management

The second Danube Conference for Higher Education Management, which was organised for leaders, policy makers and researchers of higher education from the Danube countries, was held in Budapest on 22-23th November 2018. The conference was aimed at identifying and presenting good practices in management and policies and sharing these ideas between countries and institutions.

Budapest Business School was represented in two topics of the conference. Firstly, Gábor Király, scientific director of Future of Higher Education Research Centre presented about unbundling forces of higher education. Unbundling is a relatively new concept in HE studies, questioning whether higher education institutions need to fulfil all their functions. The aim of the presentation was to examine possible strategies institutions could follow in the future and to show examples of experimental models as possible answers.

The other presentation, given by Zsuzsanna Géring, director of FHERC, focused on the making process of BBS’s new ethical codex. One part of the process was to identify the core values of economic universities and schools. Besides showing empirical international and domestic research results, the presentation gathered the ethical values of Budapest Business School and introduced the new ethical codex as well.