ChatGPT from the student’s point of view – new scientific article published

András Kétyi, Zsuzsanna Géring and Ildikó Dén-Nagy published a new article entitled ChatGPT from the students’ point of view – Lessons from a pilot study using ChatGPT in business higher education in the latest issue of Society and Economy. The study included 41 business higher education students and explored their opinions on using ChatGPT in business language classes. Twelve students did not use ChatGPT during the course (control group), while 29 students used it actively (experimental group). At the end of the semester, students were…

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New article: How to change and what to change? – Exploring university teachers’ conceptions of adaptive expertise in teaching

Zsófia Frányó and Helga Dorner published a new research article in the highly ranked journal of Innovations in Education and Teaching International, named How to change and what to change? – Exploring university teachers’ conceptions of adaptive expertise in teaching.  The researchers studied how a Central European university faculty in business and related fields perceive adaptivity and their adaptive expertise. The research project focused on how university teachers conceive of adaptability in their teaching, their qualitatively different conceptions of adaptive expertise, and their approaches to adaptability…

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University students about using artificial intelligence – international publication from our researchers

A new paper entitled “Developing AI Literacy: Exploring Higher Education Students’ Perceptions and Practices” has been released by Márta Folmeg, Imre Fekete, and Rita Kóris (members of our research centre) in the recent special issue of the open access publication, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. The study was designed to find out about university students’ perceptions of the effective and critical use of AI tools, and to further explore some elements of AI literacy. The study involved a written interview design with the…

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A 24-hour-long global conversation celebrated World Futures Day on the 1st of March – FHERC colleagues also participated

The 1st of March is World Futures Day, and this was the eleventh time that the world’s futurists and the general public have come together to engage in a global conversation about the possibilities for our shared future. The round-the-world event, organized by the Millennium Project, the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, the Lifeboat Foundation, the World Academy of Art and Science, and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), offered a wide variety of programs, presentations, and discussions. It started at noon in New…

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FHERC’s junior researcher participated in SRHE conference

The conference was organized by the Society for Research into Higher Education in the UK, Birmingham, between 6-8 December, 2023. The conference’s title was „Higher Education Research, Practice, and Policy: Connections & Complexities”. One of our junior researcher, Eszter Szendrei-Pál participated in the conference with her research about entrepreneurial and future skills, and the relating teaching methods. The title of her presentation: „Which future skills and entrepreneurial skills are teachable at universities and what are the currently applied teaching methods?”   Details of the conference…

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’The Future of Business Higher Education’ Closing Conference

On 21 November 2023, the closing conference of our Research Centre’s research project entitled ’The Future of Business Higher Education’ (OTKA FK127972) and funded by The Hungarian Scientific Research Fund was held. During the five-year (2018-2023) project, a total of 49 publications and 17 journal articles were published, 9 of which in highly ranked scientific journals and two of which were awarded the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ Publication Award. At the closing conference, we gave a glimpse of the two main strands of our research…

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We organized our first intensive weekly courses

On the occasion of the university project week, we also organized two courses led by researchers and lecturers affiliated with the FHERC, related to the topics and methodologies of the Research Centre. One of the courses was organised, on the subject of ’How can be studied and described the fresh graduated work life after university?’ Through expert interviews with invited distinguished guests, our students gained insights into the labour market situation of young graduates, while developing their qualitative methodological skills. Align with the order of…

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Award-winning publications

Two articles published by members of our Research Centre have been awarded the Publication Award of the Committee on Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, IX Section of Economics and Law. Sára Csillag, Gábor Király, Márton Rakovics, and Zsuzsanna Géring’s article won the second-place award of the Committee’s Publication Award. Their article, entitled Agents for sustainable futures? The (un­fulfilled) promise of sustainability at leading business schools was published in the journal Futures. In their research, our colleagues analysed the external communication of highly ranked…

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Two FHERC members joined the newly formed MTA Higher Education Pedagogy Subcommittee

The head of our research centre, Zsuzsanna Géring, and our senior researcher Gergely Kováts (CUB – NFKK) joined the Higher Education Pedagogy Subcommittee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as members. The subcommittee operates within the framework of the Pedagogical Science Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, chaired by Helga Dorner (ELTE), secretary Ida Dringo-Horváth (KRE). Among the goals of the Subcommittee is to encourage Hungarian higher education-pedagogical research and research-based development, to involve young researchers in the activities of the scientific community, and…

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FHERC offered a playful program at the Researchers’ Night

On the 29th of September 2023, as part of the event series called Researchers’ Night, the Future of Higher Education Research Centre (FHERC) held a fun and inspiring workshop with the title: The Future’s Business Higher Education- the Futures of Higher Education.  The aim was not only to promote science and research careers but also to help recognise the importance of future orientation and system thinking. The game invited the participants to an imaginary expert center of an expedition tasked with preparing a new planet…

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