University students about using artificial intelligence – international publication from our researchers

A new paper entitled “Developing AI Literacy: Exploring Higher Education Students’ Perceptions and Practices” has been released by Márta Folmeg, Imre Fekete, and Rita Kóris (members of our research centre) in the recent special issue of the open access publication, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. The study was designed to find out about university students’ perceptions of the effective and critical use of AI tools, and to further explore some elements of AI literacy. The study involved a written interview design with the…

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New publication in an international case study book

Zsuzsanna Géring, head of the FHERC, prepared a case study on the student Mentoring Program running at the BBS FFA faculty, which was included in a renowned international volume, among selected initiatives supporting students from around the world. In August, “Transferring Lives at the Institutional Level. Equity Promotion Initiatives Across the World” book was published. This is a book that specifically collected higher education initiatives supporting student success and equality from around the world. Among the four programs selected for the Central and Eastern Europe…

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The role and agency of students in business school discourses – new article

Members of our research centre Réka Tamássy, Zsuzsanna Géring, Gábor Király, Réka Plugor and Márton Rakovics published a new article in the Journal of International Education in Business.  In the article “The portrayal of the role and agency of students and higher education institutions in highly ranked business school discourses“, the researchers analysed the ’about us’ section of the top 100 business schools’ websites from the Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2019 Business and Economics list. Their study aimed to investigate how highly ranked…

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