Balancing between attractions and repulsions: reflections on a workshop about research and teaching nexus

On 20 June 2018 a workshop was organised by FHERC and our partner, the Center for International Higher Education Studies. The aim of the workshop was to better understand the relationship between teaching and research. Conceptual and theoretical problems were raised and several practical issues were also touched upon in the presentations. The academic literature of research and teaching nexus considers the two categories not as exclusive ones but rather as activities that are mutually support each other. A shared experience derived from the presentations…

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Our researchers’ section at the XIX ISA World Congress

This XIX ISA (International Sociological Association) World Congress of Sociology will be held in Toronto, Canada between 15th and 21st July 2018. Zsuzsanna Géring, the director and Gábor Király, the academic director of our research centre are organising a session in the congress which is entitled “Roles and Responsibility of the University in Shaping Future Societies”.The session (Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 15:30-17:20 room 206D) is a reflection on the latest social, political, economic and technological trends that are not just affecting but present serious challenges…

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Discursive arena about the role of higher education: what can we learn from mission statements?

In connection with higher education (HE), a large part of the academic discourse is concerned about changes and challenges in relation to globalization, third mission, and technological innovation or even to teaching methods. All of these inquiries lead to a core question, namely, what is the (changing) role of HE institutions in society. One way of mapping the discourse about the role of HE is to analyse what higher education institutions say about it. For this purpose, the HEIs’ texts on their missions seem to…

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