Our researchers’ section at the XIX ISA World Congress

This XIX ISA (International Sociological Association) World Congress of Sociology will be held in Toronto, Canada between 15th and 21st July 2018. Zsuzsanna Géring, the director and Gábor Király, the academic director of our research centre are organising a session in the congress which is entitled Roles and Responsibility of the University in Shaping Future Societies”.The session (Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 15:30-17:20 room 206D) is a reflection on the latest social, political, economic and technological trends that are not just affecting but present serious challenges to higher education institutions.

What can universities do to increase their adaptive capacities in times of rapid changes and how can they transform while being responsible and contributing to more democratic and just societies?

The nine presentations of the session representing eight different countries will try to give answers to these questions by applying an atypical format in which the audience will also be engaged in the discussion. The presentations and group discussions will be organised around three main topics: 1) Teaching and learning about the future, 2) Digitalisation & the future of Higher Education, 3) Policy issues & the future of Higher Education.

The presentations of the session:

Further information about the congress and the session.

Teaser about the symposium in the online magazine ‘Social Theory Applied’.