The Future of Higher Education Research Centre at Budapest Business School started a Horizon Scanning Report Series. It aims to find answers to the question ‘What trends can be identified affecting the future of higher education (HE) based on academic and semi-academic discourses?’. The abrupt change in HE (just as in any other spheres of our lives) due to the COVID19 global pandemic made this exercise more urgent and topical. Therefore, we decided to publish our initial collections to help orient the different stakeholders in HE.

As the opening part of this series, we introduced the project and our research group with a short summary of our methodology (click here). In the first volume we collected the changes and drivers related to the knowledge transfer role of higher education (click here). In the second volume (click here) we present the challenges and initiatives related to flexible learning. The third volume (click here) addresses the changes and drivers related to the certification of knowledge, or more precisely, the kind of knowledge higher education provides and/or the labour market needs and the various forms in which it can be certified.

All reports follow the same structure.

They start with a short description of the present state, then outline some major challenges and initiatives regarding the changing field of HE. Finally, they introduce possible pathways or scenarios for higher education institutions to consider.

Our reports will be immediately and openly accessible through digital channels in order to provide assistance in these troubled times. In the following, we plan to publish a series of brief reports related to the future of HE dealing with topics like drivers and challenges of flexible learning, the possibilities and threats of new types of credentials and so forth.