The Future of Higher Education Research Centre at Budapest Business School started a Horizon Scanning Report Series. It aims to find answers to the question ‘What trends can be identified affecting the future of higher education (HE) based on academic and semi-academic discourses?’. The abrupt change in HE (just as in any other spheres of our lives) due to the COVID19 global pandemic made this exercise more urgent and topical. Therefore, we decided to publish our initial collections to help orient the different stakeholders in…

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Special Issue about Future of Higher Education

Gábor Király and Zsuzsanna Géring (RC07 board member) were guest editors for Futures (Volume 111, August 2019) with a special section on ’Futures of Higher Education’. In their Editorial they identify certain global trends that create significant challenges to higher education, such as climate change, global migration flows, political tensions, depression epidemic, digitalisation and robotisation. Not only these trends, but the interplay between them, lead to pressing questions such as how we can prepare student for future challenges, and what role higher education should play in…

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The Future of Higher Education Research Centre joined a European research network

With the lead of the Danish higher education research centre called Centre for Higher Education Futures (CHEF) an international project („European Universities – Critical Futures”) has been started in 2019. The project is supported from Danish fund. The FHERC is the 18th member of this network next to the other 17 European higher education research centres. The goal of this project is to reconsider the role of the universities in the midst of changing political and social situations. The work will contain three main areas:…

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Our colleague got a national and a Fullbright scholarship

Our colleague, Dr. habil. Katalin Fehér, senior research fellow has won two premium research scholarship. As part of the Fulbright Research Fellowship she will conduct research on the effects of new media applications of artificial intelligence at Drexel University in Philadelphia in 2020. She has also been awarded the Bolyai János Research Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for three years studying the adaptations of digital influence models with comparative method.

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Special Issue Editorial about Future of Higher Education

  Gábor Király and Zsuzsanna Géring, leaders of FHERC, were guest editors at Futures of a special issue called ’Future of Higher Education’. Their Editorial has been published in spring 2019. In the article, they identify certain global trends that create significant challenges to higher education, such as climate change, global migration flows, political tensions, depression epidemic, digitalisation and robotisation. Presently, the future is highly uncertain, especially because it is far from clear how the interplay of these trends will reshape both the social fabric and…

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BBS researchers presenting at 2nd Danube Conference for Higher Education Management

The second Danube Conference for Higher Education Management, which was organised for leaders, policy makers and researchers of higher education from the Danube countries, was held in Budapest on 22-23th November 2018. The conference was aimed at identifying and presenting good practices in management and policies and sharing these ideas between countries and institutions. Budapest Business School was represented in two topics of the conference. Firstly, Gábor Király, scientific director of Future of Higher Education Research Centre presented about unbundling forces of higher education. Unbundling…

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EBEN Research Conference – Vienna

This year’s EBEN (European Business Ethics Network) Research Conference was held in Vienna, Austria, between 6-8th September 2018, in the topic of business ethics, with the focus on fraudulent behaviour in and of corporations. Nick Chandler, project leader of our ongoing research project on student cheating attended the conference with a presentation about lecturers’ reactions to the cheating of business students. As he put it, we hoped that the topic would be close enough to introduce ‘hot topics’ and give some ideas on how to develop…

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Our researchers’ section at the XIX ISA World Congress

This XIX ISA (International Sociological Association) World Congress of Sociology will be held in Toronto, Canada between 15th and 21st July 2018. Zsuzsanna Géring, the director and Gábor Király, the academic director of our research centre are organising a session in the congress which is entitled “Roles and Responsibility of the University in Shaping Future Societies”.The session (Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 15:30-17:20 room 206D) is a reflection on the latest social, political, economic and technological trends that are not just affecting but present serious challenges…

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